Sunday, November 23, 2014

Perma fried

We've all seen movies
We've all seen that perfect couple
And we've all wanted it.
We've all looked inside ourselves and dug deep.
I have. 
I looked.
And maybe I shouldn't have, because I found that even the thought of finding that. 
That one person.
Is the reason my heart beats so strongly.

And I wish it wouldn't.

Because sometimes it beats so loud that I can't here my thoughts and my emotions take control of my mind.

My heart is a drug and I took one too many hits. And damn it do I have the munchies.

I may not ever find the one, because that last hit, hit me hard.

Starting to think I'll never come down from this one.

Sunday, November 9, 2014


I love the rain.

It's odd that I love something that brings sadness to my thoughts.

Shit, maybe I like being sad, because for some reason...

When I'm sad, I'm free.

My mind opens up and I can finally think.

I find peace in sadness.

I find myself in peace.

What does that cloud look like?

Who the hell cares because it's not dark.

All I care about is that rain cloud that has such a powerful grasp on me.

That allows me to loosen my grasp on reality. Finally, finally.

Why is 90% of my iPod break up songs? Why would I want to be reminded? 

Reminded what heart break feels like, who would want to feel that more than they have to? Yet our song is on replay.

Because I can't forget, I don't want to forget.

Because those songs ignite something in my heart.

Your memory is a flame, and it keeps me warm.

Until I get to close and burn myself.

And again... And again.

And not even the hardest rain could extinguish your memory.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Roller skates

I take a look at my life and everything around me, the decisions I've Made and my mistakes are starting to drown me, but I stopped pondering on the bad things and I found me Working harder finding the good that surrounds me 

I was living life and that was fine but living doesn't always mean you're alive

Now you got your basic bull shit like you're living until your heart quits when you take a breath and in your lungs air fits but you can't possibly think that that's it so listen up to what I'm about to spit

Now imma bout to lay it down for you, take notes cuz what I'm about to say is true 
Live your life how YOU want too, don't listen to the people trying to tell you what to do cuz you know, you feel what's inside of you and no one else knows what you're going through, but to be happy you gotta do what it takes when the worlds pushing against you don't get on roller skates, hold your ground and stare adversity in the face and drive it back you'll find you're place.

This poem isn't about death... It's what you do before it steals your last breath.